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Benefits & Remedies of Aloe Vera

Writer: OhenebaOheneba

Updated: Feb 7, 2021

Aloe Vera Nutrients

Main Nutrients Enzymes Amino Acids

-Water -Aluminum -Lysine -

-Vitamins B1, B2, B3, B12, C -Sodium -Arginine

-Folic Acid -Lipase -Histidine

-Carotene -Oxidase -Methionine

-Choline -Peroxidase -Phenylalanine

-Calcium -Catalase -Threonine

-Magnesium -Bradykininase -Valine

-Copper -Gamma transaminase -Isoleucine

-Chromium -Carboxypeptidase

-Sulphur -Cellulase




-Steroids and sterols

-Salicylic Acid

Benefits of Aloe Vera

- It serves as an emollient or moisturizer.

Aloe Vera juice helps to moisturize the skim, remove acne and smoothen wrinkles.

-It serves as a vulnerary (to treat wounds).

It is effective for any kind of wounds including surgical scars. It can be used to treat mouth ulcers, fever blisters, cold sores, frostbites, burns, shingles, boils, psoriasis, eczema, and other skin problems.

-It is an Anti-Inflammatory.

It reduces inflammation and swelling in the skin abrasions, burns, arthritic conditions, sprains, and other conditions.

-It is used for mild anesthetic.

It eases pain, stings, burns, itches, and hemorrhoids.

-It is an antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral.

It can be used for candidiasis, yeast infections and even HIV infections. It can also be used to treat GI ulcers and for healing the GI tract.

-It is an Immune-enhancer and anticancer.

Compounds such a s lectin in Aloe Vera activate the immune system, especially macrophages, to destroy cancer cells and promote the growth of noncancerous cells..

In the case of HIV, Aloe Vera reduces the occurrences of opportunistic infections and stimulates the immune system by increasing the white blood cells and T4-helper cells.

-It serves as a purgative and a laxative.

It has been proven that Aloe Vera relieves constipation. It regulates the gastrointestinal pH, improves gastrointestinal motility, increases stool specific gravity, and reduces the population of harmful fecal bacteria.

-It aids in digestion.

Aloe Vera works in reducing ulcers, indigestion, constipation and other digestive problems. It also improves the assimilation of food eaten.

-It helps to control blood sugar.

It helps to reduce blood sugar levels in diabetics if taken regularly.

-It serves as a detoxifier and cleanser.

-It can be used to preserve fruits and vegetables.

When Aloe Vera gel is used to coat fruits and vegetables, it helps to preserve their freshness. The gel acts as a barrier to moisture, oxygen, bacterial, fungus and other microorganisms responsible for food-borne illness.



Treating Hemorrhoid

1 Inche long, 1/2 wide of Aloe Vera.

  1. Peel and freeze the Aloe Vera.

  2. Insert it into the rectum.

  3. Leave it overnight.

  4. Repeat for a couple of days.

Treating Dandruff

Aloe Vera leaves

  1. Peel off the outer layer of the Aloe leaf

  2. Rub the gel on the scalp while massaging it gently.

  3. Wrap hair with polythene

  4. Leave it for an hour and wash hair.

Aloe Vera juice

1 Aloe Vera leave

1 peeled Garlic bulb

2 peeled Oranges

3/4 cup squeezed Lemon juice

2 cups of pineapple juice

1 tsp Turmeric

  1. Pour all the ingredients into a blender and blend together till they are very smooth

  2. Drink a cup of the juice daily.


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